My name is Daylon Pollard. In the words of Rick Riordan in The Lightning Thief ... Learn More

Daylon Pollard
About Me
My name is Daylon Pollard. In the words of Rick Riordan in The Lightning Thief, “Names are powerful things.” Although my name does not make the room tremble when you say it, I strive for it to be just as memorable as if it did. I attend Woodlawn High School and plan to major in accounting after I graduate in May. A few fun facts about me are that I am on the bowling and scholar bowl teams for my school. Joining the CEO program was influenced by my aspiration to become an accountant. This program can put me in contact with people who will instill me with their helpful insight and knowledge. The message of self-improvement through the CEO program was also promising. Jumping in feet first is the quickest way into the water, but you only get used to it once you're head goes under. If you use your head in life, everything gets easier.