Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “ Do one thing every day that scares you.” My name ... Learn More

Emmalee Kroeschen
About Me
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “ Do one thing every day that scares you.” My name is Emmalee Kroeschen and this quote is a personal favorite of mine because the only way to push yourself is to do what you're afraid to do. Take risks and don't be afraid to be yourself, that's the best you can do. This is why I decided to join Jefferson County CEO. At first, I was scared, “What if I can't do it?”, “What if I embarrass myself?”, these were questions I asked myself as I filled out the application form. Although I was nervous, I knew I could do it, and I am very fortunate to have been given this opportunity. I am very social, curious, and passionate about everything I do, which is why I love being a part of CEO. CEO has further improved my responsibility level, my professional manners, and my overall social skills. I am proud to be a part of the MVTHS Golf Team, FBLA, and represent my school in the state swim meet. I plan on going to college right after high school and majoring in business. I truly believe CEO will set me on the right path to achieve this goal and I cannot wait for the exciting year ahead of me.